

FIRE Movement: Running into Burning Houses and Turning Them into Cash Flow with Ian Horowitz

What's this episode all about?

Have you ever wondered how a firefighter goes from running into burning houses to building a cash-flowing real estate portfolio? In this episode, Russ and Joey sit down with Ian Horowitz, a former firefighter turned real estate investor, to uncover his journey from house flipping to financial freedom. Ian shares what first drew him into the real estate world, the key moments that shifted his career path, and how cash flow became the cornerstone of his strategy. You'll hear about the valuable lessons he’s learned along the way, including overcoming major hurdles and what he would tell his younger self if he could start all over again.

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn

  1. Embracing change and taking calculated risks
  2. Focus on cash flow, not just property appreciation
  3. Learning from setbacks and staying resilient


Ian Horowitz

Ian Horowitz is a former firefighter turned real estate investor, co-founder of Equity Warehouse, and an expert in cash flow-focused real estate strategies. After transitioning from public service, Ian has built a successful portfolio by flipping houses and investing in multi-family properties, syndications, and long-term rentals.

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