

Round Table | How Do I Start IBC?

What's this episode all about?

You finance everything you buy. The only question is how you pay for it. Do you borrow money from someone else? Do you save money to buy the item and lose the potential earnings from that money if you had invested it? What if there's a better way to finance your purchases and still benefit from the interest your money would have earned in a tax-favorable account you can control? That's exactly what IBC can do for you. The basic idea behind the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) is for you to take more control over the financing and banking functions in your everyday life. But how do you start IBC, and what makes it a better tool for financial freedom?

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn

  1. How does IBC benefit you compared to other financial tools?
  2. What makes IBC a better tool for building passive income?
  3. What can you do with IBC?


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