

Round Table | How To Teach Kids About Money Without Ruining It

What's this episode all about?

As parents, we want to ensure our children learn how to make wise financial decisions before they start living independently. But how do we teach them when they're young? How can they know the value of coins and dollars? It can be challenging for young children to understand the value of money, but as with most knowledge that kids need to acquire, introducing a fun activity can help.

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn

  1. Our goals and expectations as parents for our children
  2. What the coaches tried that didn't work, so you don't have to make the same mistakes
  3. Fun ways to teach kids about money


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Episode Specific Resources:

  • Inner Circle LIVE 2024: January 5-7, 2024
    Click Here!
  • Take advantage of a Free Financial Strategy Call
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